Why Does Perfume Give me a Headache? DOPEPLUS.COM

Why Does Perfume Give me a Headache?

Have you ever experienced a negative reaction or maybe even a headache after a while smelling different perfumes at a beauty store or after spending some time next to someone wearing a strong perfume? If you’re reading this article, chances are you have. You are not alone, and we have some answers for those who wonder why perfume can have negative effects on some people.


“While some thrive at the fragrance counter, taking the chance to sniff and spritz as many testers as possible, others get easily overwhelmed by scents. If you are in the second group, you might experience headaches, nausea, and dizziness from sniffing different fragrances and perfumes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you want to stop wearing perfume completely. A final spritz of perfume is the cherry on top to any amazing look and you don’t have to give that upSo, what exactly causes the headache and other reactions, and how to avoid them or take care of it once you already have symptoms?


We wanted to get to the bottom of this situation. And, with some research and digging…We found that it all boils down to 3 things!


01 Allergies to fragrances

You may have guessed this one.As many allergies are triggered by nasal irritation it makes sense that a perfume fragrance could cause a reaction. Symptoms can range from classic “allergic” reactions, such as sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes; to headaches, inability to concentrate, and dizziness; to respiratory issues, such as breathing difficulties and wheezing; to skin reactions, such as itching, hives, and other rashes.


The specific reaction that can occur greatly depends on your body. Also, it is important to note that many pregnant women find themselves suddenly more sensitive to perfumes due to hormonal changes.


02 Sensory overload

Ever heard of overstimulation?Yup, this can be the cause of headaches or other symptoms. Scientists suggest that while perfume can be extremely pleasant, it can cause a person’s blood vessels to swell and dilate, and, in turn, stimulate the nervous system in the brain associated with head pain. You may have experienced this at a store where there are lots and lots of perfumes around.


It is similar to tiredness: our eyes will get tired after looking at a screen for long periods of time, right? If you find yourself feeling a little lightheaded from sniffing too many perfumes, get some fresh air or head over to a less overwhelming place. The symptoms of overstimulation are simply a normal reaction to your body trying to regulate its senses.


03 Aroma that triggers an unpleasant memory

This one actually surprised us.But, after reading about it,it completely makes sense. It comes down to the fact that our sense of smell is connected to the memory area of our brain. For example, If you come across a fragrance that’s very similar to the one your ex wore all the time or a perfume you weren’t a fan of in the past, you might find yourself feeling uneasy and stressed. You can get a headache if a fragrance reminds you of a situation you didn’t enjoy, so it’s going to be about the notes, not the materials. This reaction is simply a fight or flight kind of response, whereThe negative feeling makes the body jump into protection mode and the headache is a signal to GO.


Conclusion: In this case, your body is trying to protect you from harm.


It can be hard to imagine that what smells divine to one person can cause a myriad of unpleasant symptoms in another, but experts say that how our bodies respond to a particular fragrance lies in our individual physiologic makeup.” Unique to everyone, it is what you are born with that can send your body into a tizzy. Luckily there are a few things you can do to fix it once it happens and avoid it next time!


Three rules of thumb when a reaction happens: Let air in, drink water, and relax. These things will help flush out your body and calm your nerves.


With that in mind, the most important thing you can do in that respect is to remove yourself from the fragrance that is causing it. Avoidance is really the most effective treatment.” As well as taking note of any allergens that trigger you and steer clear of any of these products by doing research and asking an experienced fragrance expert for help.


Paying attention to what happens to your body with a particular fragrance is the best thing you can do. The more aware you are, the more in the clear you should be — no headache, no itch, no sneeze, NO REACTION.



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